
Lets color your hair!

What about booking an in salon appointment?
I am still waiting to hear of a re-open date so I am only taking wait-listed appointments as to not have to reschedule anyone again, by getting on the wait-list you will be one of the first to get in!
Click here to get on the wait-list
Can you show me how to cut my hair?
While I won’t be able to walk you through a full haircut, we might be able to use this time wisely. I am planning on stepping out of my comfort zone and in front of the camera to help you in as many ways as I can.
Get excited guys!! I truly feel that things will never be the same, and I am so excited to become a diamond under all of this pressure!!
How do I make an appointment?
I am currently running a wait-list for ALL clients (new and current)
Click here to get on the wait-list
See you soon
Okay, I get it.. hats just aren't cutting it!
Well I 've got you! _I have been working very hard and researching different alternatives for all of your hair needs! On this page you will find:
At home solutions to grey coverage, permanent and temporary (includes live online color consultation and your color delivered straight to your door from the supplier.
Easy DIY extension options, great to get your through until you can get your hand tied extensions in
The best LOCAL products I recommend delivered to your door, most straight from the manufacturer
Just fill out the form below to get started today..